Linear height LH-600F

Mitutoyo je popredným svetovým výrobcom presných meracích prístrojov, ktoré ponúkajú širokú škálu produktov od mikrometrov, posuvných meradiel, odchýlkomerov až po drsnomery, kontúromery, kruhomery, či systémy spracovania obrazu.
Linear height LH-600F
The Linear Heigth LH-600F/FG is a high-end 2D height-measuring instrument exhibiting the perfect combination of intuitive operation, multifunctionality and extraordinary accuracy.
- Measurement operations can be performed by using th hybrid controller box with a touch screen and integrated sheet keyboard
- It is capable of measuring with a digital step of 0.1µm
- Excellent accuracy of (1.1 + 0.6L/600) µm
- Bidirectional Digimatic data output (Digimatic S1)
- Measurement results can be printed from a receipt printer or Digimatic Printer (DP-1VA) and sent to a PC via wireless communication, USB cable or USB -Stick
- Pneumatic drive mechanism
- Automatic running of pre-learned part programs
- Excellent visualization of GO/±NG tolerance comparisons
- Independent operation with rechargeable battery
- LH-Communication Tool Software available online free of charge
Measuring range: 0-600/0-972 mm
Scale division: 0.0001*0.001/0.01/0.1mm
Accuracy: (1.1+0.6L/600)µm, L=measured length in mm
Perpendicularity: 5µm
Straightness: 4µm
Touch drive: motorized/manual
Movement Method:
Full Floating (for movement),
semi-floating (for scanning measurements)
Professional line
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