Metrology enterprise suite | Tauricon - meradlá, meracie prístroje a stroje

Metrology enterprise suite

All Verisurf inspection, reverse engineering and creation features
tools in an engaging user experience that facilitates learning.
It contains the following modules:

CAD - the basis of all Verisurf packages, exporting and importing CAD models

MEASURE - measure with repeatable settings on any CMM or scanner

ANALYSIS - comparison of controlled data with nominal CAD model

REVERSE - universal software for reverse engineering, creating a CAD model from a point cloud or mesh

AUTOMATE - simple and fast CMM programming

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.

Trieda: Professional line
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Prevádzka Púchov:
Mitutoyo predvádzacia miestnosť
Haimer predvádzacia miestnosť

Trenčianska 1279
020 01 Púchov
Slovenská republika

GPS: N 49° 06′ 34.83″, E 18° 19′ 34.92″


Kontakt na prevádzku:

Telefón: +421 (0)42 426 0 030
Telefón: +421 (0)42 426 0 032
Fax: +421 (0)42 426 0 043
Mobil: +421 (0)905 332 173

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