Elektrophysik GalvanoTest

GalvanoTest is a device for measuring the thickness of the coating based on the Coulometric principle and is used for practically all galvanically metallized single-layer or multilayer coatings. Electroplating coatings such as chromium, nickel, cadmium, copper, brass, silver, gold, tin, zinc can be measured on metals or non-metals.
GalvanoTest is available in two models:
GalvanoTest 2000: the electrolyte moves through a pulsator nozzle
10 preset metal types: Cr, Ni, Cu, brass, Zn, Ag, Sn, Pb, Cd, Au
GalvanoTest 3000: large volumes of electrolytes passing through the circulation pump enable fast serial measurements. Suitable for use on very small parts and for measuring gold layers.
9 preset metal types: Cr, Ni, Cu, brass, Zn, Ag, Sn, Pb, Cd
The galvanotest consists of three main parts
1. Unit of measurement
Two different measuring cells are available for measuring on flat or curved surfaces up to a radius of curvature of 3 mm. The measuring unit with circulating pump is connected to the GalvanoTest 3000 system and the unit with air pulsator for model 2000. The electrolyte is constantly moved through the measuring unit to ensure even separation of the measuring surface as well as optimal soaking of samples into the electrolyte. The electrolyte cup can be used for both models and is available as an option.
2. Stand
The stand is used to hold the test specimen in place and allows the precise positioning of the measuring unit above the test specimen.
3. Evaluation unit
GalvanoTest is a microprocessor device with an interactive LCD display.
It is suitable for measuring various plating applications. The measurement application can be entered via the touch panel and displayed on a large alphanumeric display. Various data ports are available for connecting the GalvanoTest to peripheral units such as a computer, printer or Y-T recorder. MSoft 7000 basic edition software is available for data transfer.
You will also find more information in the enclosed brochure.