Elektrophysik QuintSonic 7 | Tauricon - meradlá, meracie prístroje a stroje

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Elektrophysik QuintSonic 7

Accurate measurement of coating thickness based on the method of ultrasonic pulses.

QuintSonic 7 allows the measurement of up to 5 coatings in one operation.

It is also possible to measure coatings of polymers such as paints, varnishes and synthetic materials, as well as glass, ceramic or metal coatings on virtually any substrate. Varnish for synthetic materials, copper for ceramics, synthetic materials for wood or glass for metal are typical coating systems that can be measured with QuintSonic 7.

As the first device of its kind, the QuintSonic 7 device makes it possible to measure coatings on fiber-reinforced plastics, e.g. GFRP, CFRP, WPC.

Intelligent evaluation of the reading of ultrasonic signals enables fast recording of measured values ​​over 40 measurements per minute.

Easy calibration and graphical display of test results on the QuintSonic 7 screen allows for fast operation and versatility.

The QSoft 7 Basic computer software (pictured right), supplied with the device, provides A-scan images that allow convenient parameter settings to suit your measurement task. This allows you to significantly optimize the measurement results.

Parameter sets are used to define measurement ranges, suppress interference, and evaluate audio responses as well as predicted or blocked domains.

Unsolicited echoes caused by, for example, GRP or CRP substrate fibers will be blocked accordingly.

The optimal parameter can be saved, reloaded and transferred to the QuintSonic 7.

QSoft 7 Professional is optionally available and offers additional opportunities.

Creating measuring series with the help of an assistant and transferring the complete data structure to the meter.

Measurement value data management, analysis and documentation of measurement series.

Transfer data to Microsoft Excel and create report versions in Adobe PDF documentation.

Additional convenience is added by the ability to determine the speed of sound using reference samples.

Once the speed of sound of a given material has been determined, it can be stored in a database to be available for further measurements.


Technical parameters:

Measuring principle: measuring the course of ultrasonic waves

Measuring range: maximum 7900 µm (adjustable in the ranges 400, 900, 1900, 3900 µm at a speed of 2375 m / s for all layers in order to achieve the most accurate scanning

Minimum thickness of individual layers: approximately 10 µm

Operating temperature: from 5 ° C to 50 ° C

Dimensions: 153 mm x 89 mm x 32 mm device; Ø 25 mm x 65 mm sensor

Trieda: Professional line
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020 01 Púchov
Slovenská republika

GPS: N 49° 06′ 34.83″, E 18° 19′ 34.92″


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Telefón: +421 (0)42 426 0 030
Telefón: +421 (0)42 426 0 032
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